Sunday, August 1, 2010

*The role model Epidemic*(dont be discouraged by its lenght please)

Recently I went for an interview at certain university.. and while my parents were drilling me for it (something which I greatly detest all for spontaneity!) my mother advised that If asked my reasons for wanting to attend the institution, I should include that its chancellor nd founder (Who is an architect, incidentally the course I intend to study) is my role model.
Apart from being totally against lying of anykind(when avoidable ;)), especially the kind that involves givong false information about yourself; likes, dislikes, strengths, hobbies..etc.. as such lies involve backing up with more lies which eventually lead to having to 'prove' yourself and will ultimately lead to your implication..!..where was I..?..Oh yeah... My mothers remarks were a typical example of how most of us have bastardized the term 'rolel mode'!

A role model to many of us is that rich and/or famous person who is 'successful' or 'influencial'.. probably in your chosen field. Whenever the question 'who is your role model?' arises, I can bet my left leg that I will hear names like Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Otedola or Mike Adenuga( for those who are.. or sh to be seen as patriotic), Hillary Clinton or Dora Akunyili(For my so-called feminists), Barack Obama( for that group of people who consider presidency an occupation) and the likes. But how much do you really know of these people?( Other than their middle names and how much they made last year)
What exactly is the role of your model? 'Businessmanism' isnt a course offered by any university I know. Niether is 'fighting for womens rights'( what are womens rights anyway..arent we all supposed to be equal...why should their rights be separated from regular human rights..?..but that is for another day).

Excuse all my digressions, my point is, before you have the right to call anyone your role model(or before anyone has he right to be called yours) you should know enough information about such a person to be a ble to decide whether you truly desire to be like this person(s) in all aspects. It helps to know their background, goals, their 'story' , phliosophies of life..etc.

Furthermore (in my opinion) it is not so bad not having a particular, set/fixed role model. It doesnt mean you dont aspire to be successful( or that you arent up-to-date with the latest forbes list). I think its okay to strive to emulate the good in everyone(and I do mean EVERYONE) you come across..and leave out the bad/negative aspects.
A lot of things are being duplicated today! (music, clothes, cellphones*cough BB*, hairdo's..etc) lets us not also duplicate people!..Be your own man..Or woman...make your own history...create a worthy model of yourself!

*while preparing to roght this article.. I did a small role model survey..I thought to share some of the more interesting ones with you..enjoy..*

'Audrey Hepburn!! Or Katherine Hepburn
I wish I was a Hepburn!!'

I dont have a role model.. or I have many role models. i want to be able to drum like Questlove from The Roots, thats his role in my life.
I want my brain to work as fast as Lupe's. Thats his role in my life.
I want to gesticulate(and make se...nse) like Shihan. Thats his role in my life'' [atleast he knows exactly what he wants]

'Anyone who believes that: Because something was said by a great person once or in a different age, it doesn't necessarily apply to the present day. Some linger on, but some should die out....i
plus- Confucius
and Descartes
Socrates to an exte...nt
and just a hint of Karl Marx and Rousseau, seeing as what the present day has become.'[she considers herself a philosopher]

'my role model is to be the best nd greates period'[my kinda guy!!]

'ooo my role model....HITLER!!!
he tried to take over d world...what more reason can u need!!!'[im sure Hitler would have aspired to be like him too]

Thank you for your time..